Quickbooks Online Integration Setup

Quickbooks Setup & Integration Details

Labs can now connect their Confident and QuickBooks Online accounts so that draft invoices are automatically created in QuickBooks Online based on invoices in Confident.

This new integration supports line items appearing on the draft invoice in QBO, such as pickup fees, discounts, and any other lab adjustment that the previous integration through Zapier did not.

Admins and Owners can enable the integration by going to their Laboratory Settings -> scroll down to the bottom of the page -> Connect:

A popup will appear, prompting the lab to authorize the integration. If the lab has multiple companies associated with its QBO account, it must select which company to connect to its Confident account.

Once the lab has connected its accounts, its settings page will refresh. Please select which Revenue account in QBO the lab wants the revenue from the invoices generated from Confident to go to and at what stage of the order in Confident it wants the draft invoice to get created in QBO:

Once the lab selects its choices, it can go to its QBO account to see the draft invoices that get created once an order has been verified or completed, depending on what stage it selects:

If necessary, the lab can edit any part of the invoice by clicking on Edit Invoice in QBO.


Other important details about the integration:

  1. Any edits made to the Confident invoice after the draft invoice has been created in QBO will not be reflected on the draft invoice in QBO.
  2. We cannot send sales tax information. These need to be applied to invoices in QBO if appropriate.
  3. The integration will match the client/customer and the test packages/services by name between the lab’s Confident and QBO accounts. If the client and test packages do not exist in QBO, we will automatically create them. We will not use cannabis terms when creating clients and test packages in QBO.
  4. Once created in QBO, invoices, customers (clients), and services (test packages) are not edited in QBO if they are edited in Confident. New Customers and Services will be created in QBO if the clients' names or test packages change in Confident. All other changes to clients and test packages in Confident will not be updated in QBO.